Course Description :

Laboratory course in support of 5104, Environmental Chemistry, allowing students to perform experiments related to natural environmental processes, including biological oxygen consumption, complexation, and carbonate equilibria. Consideration of laboratory procedures used to investigate and assess environmentally related materials and their contaminants.

At the conclusion of this course students will be able to:

Specific Course Objectives :
  • Outline the analysis procedures and calculate concentration values from raw data for the following methods:

    1. Alkalinity
  • 2. Nitrite-N
  • 3. Ammonia-N
  • 4. Phosphate-P
  • 5. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
  • 6. Chemical Oxygen Demand
  • Identify calibration procedures appropriate for the analytical method.
  • Evaluate the reliability of chemical analyses based on the results of Quality Control Procedures.
  • Describe the impact of matrix interference and procedures that can be used minimize the extent.
Course Prerequisite :
CEE 5104
Hours & Credits :
3L, 1C
Semester Offered :