Course Description :

Experimental design and sampling techniques for environmental analysis, including environmental monitoring techniques and statistical principles for planning monitoring locations and frequencies at environmental sites such as landfills, rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. Development of monitoring strategy; examination of sampling techniques for various sample types.

Specific Course Objectives :
  • Conduct exploratory data analysis including measures of central tendency and dispersion, histograms, box plots, cumulative density functions plots, Q-Q plots, and stem and leave plots
  • Describe key features of important environmental probability distributions including normal, lognormal, binomial, and Poisson.
  • List assumptions and limitation for hypothesis tests.
  • Design, test assumptions, conduct, and interpret parametric and nonparametric statistical tests.
  • Contrast random, stratified, and systematic sampling designs
  • Determine the number of samples necessary to achieve desired accuracy and power for random and sampling designs
  • Test for trends using regression and nonparametric methods
Hours & Credits :
3H, 3C
Semester Offered :