Course Description :

Moral obligations of engineers and scientists toward the publics they serve; responsible conduct of research; responsible conduct of practice; the responsibilities and risks of witnessing wrongdoing; the value of non-expert knowledge claims and the importance of listening to public stakeholders.

Specific Course Objectives :
  • Describe and discuss key moral theories and concepts relevant to research and practice in engineering and science.
  • Locate and analyze the code of ethics of at least one professional society in the fields of engineering and science, and describe potential personal, professional, and societal consequences of actions that violate these codes.
  • Describe the role of the public in the production of engineering and scientific knowledge, and the importance of considering the knowledge and positions of all stakeholders as a "best practice" for science and engineering.
  • Define unethical research and unethical practice in engineering and science.
  • Identify and describe personal, professional, and organizational pressures that can foster unethical behaviors in engineering and science research and practice.
  • Describe and critique typical types of responses to whistleblowers.
  • Develop methods to identify the key ethical dilemmas at play in a real case involving engineering or science, as well as processes by which to determine actual and preferable solutions to these dilemmas.
  • Develop a personal definition of what makes for ethical engineering, science, and public policy practice.
Course Prerequisite :
Graduate standing.
Hours & Credits :
3H, 3C
Semester Offered :
Program Area :
Interdisciplinary Programs