Course Description :

Design of water treatment facilities for the production of potable waters from surface and groundwater systems

Specific Course Objectives :
  • Compare raw water-quality data to drinking water regulations and identify which constituents require treatment
  • Based on water quality criteria, develop conceptual treatment schematics that include the required physical/chemical treatment processes to produce potable water.
  • Identify suitable chemical coagulants that are appropriate for water treatment and locate their point of applications in the water treatment plant
  • Calculate power input and mixing requirements in rapid mix and flocculation basins
  • Design sedimentation basins for suspended solids removal
  • Complete basic calculations related to head loss and backwash expansion in mono-and mixed-media filtration beds
  • Identify suitable chemical oxidants for disinfection and other oxidant needs during potable water production, and locate their point of application in the water treatment plant.
  • Calculate chemical dosages for lime/soda ash softening systems
  • Calculate residual production quantities for water treatment facilities.
Course Prerequisite :
CEE 3104
Hours & Credits :
3H, 3C
Semester Offered :