Course Description :

Cross-Listed with PHS 5704

Drinking water contamination and associated health outcomes. Programs to improve safe water access. Viral, bacterial, protozoal, and helminthic pathogens. Heavy metals, pesticides, and other contaminants. Drinking water treatment and supply in rural areas. Study designs for health outcome assessment. Field-based intervention trials. Pre: Graduate standing. (3H, 3C).

Specific Course Objectives :
  • Classify key pathogens of concern and catalog associated health outcomes.
  • Classify key chemical contaminants of concern and catalog associated health outcomes.
  • Specify and appraise technologies and methods for household- and community-level drinking water treatment and supply.
  • Categorize and compare study designs for evaluating associations between water contamination and health outcomes.
  • Evaluate and critique interventions designed to improve safe water access in rural areas.
Course Prerequisite :
Graduate Standing
Hours & Credits :
3H, 3C
Course Comment :
Cross-Listed with PHS 5704