Course Description :

Airport planning and economic justification, site selection, configuration, development and design of terminal areas, demand forecasting, access, traffic control.

Specific Course Objectives :
  • Briefly describe important milestones in airport development.
  • Describe various aircraft classifications used in airport design.
  • Calculate the airport runway length needed for safe airport operations.
  • Calculate various runway safety areas including analysis of EMAS dimensions.
  • Estimate the optimal orientation of a runway (wind rose analysis) using FAA computer software.
  • Describe the main elements of an airport master plan.
  • Estimate if man-made and natural objects constitute obstacles to navigation in the vicinity of an airport.
  • Estimate the capacity of any airport configuration using analytical techniques.
  • Estimate airport demand using simple non-linear regression models.
  • Estimate airport delays using queueing models.
  • Estimate the geometric design characteristics of an airport including taxiways, aprons and runways.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of various airport landside configurations.
Course Prerequisite :
C- or better in CEE 3604
Hours & Credits :
3H, 3C
Semester Offered :