Bryan J. Katz
Professor of Practice
305-C Patton Hall
Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061
Mail Code: (0105)
Program Area : Transportation Infrastructure and Systems Engineering
Professional Registration : Professional Engineer (Virginia), Professional Traffic Operations Engineer
Areas of Interest
Traffic Engineering, Transportation Safety and Operations, Traffic Control Devices, Human Factors
NOTE: My focus in the department is on undergraduate education, therefore, I do not provide graduate student funding.
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- M.S. in Civil Engineering (Transportation), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Transportation), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Professor of Practice, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (August 2023 - Present)
- President, toXcel, LLC (2021 - Present)
- Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (August 2018 - August 2023)
- Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (February 2014 - August 2018)
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (April 2008 - February 2014)
- Instructor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (July 2007 - April 2008)
- Vice President of Engineering, toXcel, LLC (2014 - 2023)
- Senior Transportation Engineer, Science Applications International Corporation - SAIC/Leidos (2002 - 2014)
- Engineer/Analyst, HNTB Corporation (1999 - 2002)
- Honors and Awards
- Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award, Institute of Transportation Engineers (2023)
- Elected to Rank of Fellow, Institute of Transportation Engineers (2021)
- G.V. Loganathan Virginia Tech CEE Outstanding Faculty Award (2021)
- Eugene D. Arnold, Jr. Outstanding Individual Activity Award, Virginia Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (2016)
- Certificate of Teaching Excellence, College of Engineering (2016)
- Favorite Faculty Award, Virginia Tech Office of Residence Life (2016)
- Outstanding Young Alumni Award, Via Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech (2009)
- Certificate of Commendation, Fairfax County Police Department, Traffic Safety Division (2007)
- Mid Atlantic Universities Transportation Center Student of the Year, United States Department of Transportation (2001)
- CEE Alumni Board Scholarship Recipient, Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (2000)
- Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities, Virginia Tech (1999)
- Committee Memberships
- Elected Research Committee Chair, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (2020 to Present)
- Secretary of the Research Committee, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (2005 to 2020)
- Paper Review Chairman (2006 to 2020), Member and Technical Paper Reviewer (2005 to 2020) of the User Information Systems Committee for the Transportation Research Board, Committee AND20
- Member and Technical Paper Reviewer, Traffic Control Devices Committee for the Transportation Research Board, Committee AHB50 (2004 to Present)
- Member of the Guide and Motorist Information Sign Technical Committee, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (2004 to Present)
- Board Member - University Relations/Career Guidance (Virginia Tech), Virginia Section of Institute of Transportation Engineers (2012 to Present)
- Member, Signing and Marking Materials Committee for the Transportation Research Board, Committee AHD55 (2007 to 2016)
- Member, SHRP II Reliability IDEA Program Panel (2009 to 2014)
- Safety Committee Chair for the Virginia Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (2003 to 2012)
- Member, NCHRP Panel 38-11: Changeable Message Sign Displays during Non-Incident, Non-Roadwork Periods (2006 to 2007)
- CEE 2804: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE 2824: Civil Engineering Drawings and CAD
- CEE 3604: Introduction to Transportation Engineering
- CEE 4654: Geometric Design of Highways
- CEE 4684: Transportation Safety
- CEE 4804: Professional and Legal Issues in Civil Engineering
- CEE 4974: Undergraduate Independent Study
- CEE 5994: Research and Thesis
- Katz, B.J., Ma, J., Rigdon, H., Sykes, K., Huang, Z., and Raboy, K. Synthesis of Variable Speed Limit Signs. Report FHWA-HOP-17-003. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC. May 2017.
- Robinson, E., Lubar, E., Singer, J., Kellman, D., Katz, B., and Kuznicki, S. State of the Practice for Traveler Information During Nonrecurring Events. Report FHWA-HRT-17-014. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC April 2018.
- Jackson, S., Katz, B., Kuznicki, S., Kissner, E., Kehoe, N., and Miller, S. Enhancing Safety and Operations at Complex Interchanges with Improved Signing, Markings, and Integrated Geometry. Report FHWA-HRT-17-048. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC. May 2018.
- Shealy, T., Kryschtal, P., Franczek, K., and Katz, B.J. Driver Response to Dynamic Message Sign Safety Campaign Messages. Report FHWA/VTRC 20-R16. Virginia Transportation Research Council. Charlottesville, VA. January 2020.
- Katz, B., Graham, D., Davis, J., Kissner, E., Wright, W., Rigdon, H., & Jackson, S. Education on proper use of seat belts on school buses (Report No. DOT HS 812 999). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC. January 2021.
- Kissner, E., Katz, B., Davis, J., Jackson, S., Wright, W., Rigdon, H., & Carlson, L. Indirect effects of school bus seat belt installation (Report No. DOT HS 813 049). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC. April 2021.
- Katz, B., Kissner, E., Lee, D., Jackson, S., Raymond, P., & Rigdon, H. Examination of three districts implementing stop-arm camera programs to enforce laws against illegal passing of stopped school buses (Report No. DOT HS 813 102). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC. April 2021.
- Dagnall, E.E., Katz, B.J., Bertola, M.A., and Shurbutt, J. Business Logo Signing: Evaluation of Number of Logo Panels on Specific Service Signs. Transportation Research Record 2365. Washington, DC, 2013.
- Katz, B.J., Dagnall, E.E., and ODonnell, C.C. Comprehension and Legibility Evaluations of International and Domestic Non-Standard Symbol Signs. Transportation Research Record 2298. Washington, DC, 2012.
- Katz, B.J., Coffey, P.E.*, and Rakha, H.A. Analysis of Enforcement Techniques for DWI Checkpoints and Their Impact on Traffic Operations. Transportation Research Record 2096. Washington, DC, 2009.
- Golembiewski, G.A., Katz, B.J., Knoblauch, R.L., and Rousseau, G.K. Using a Sign Simulator to Determine Colors for Traffic Control Devices at Transponder-Controlled Tollbooth Lanes. Transportation Research Record 1973. Washington, DC, 2006.
- Inman, V.W., Katz, B.J., and Hanscom, F.R. Navigation Signing for Roundabouts. Transportation Research Record 1973. Washington, DC, 2006.
- Rakha, H.A., Katz, B.J., and Al-Kaisy, A. Field Evaluation of Weigh-in-Motion Screening on Truck Weigh Station Operations. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. May 2006.
- Katz, B.J. and Rakha, H.A. Determination of Effective Design of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Speeds on a Controlled Roadway. Proceedings of the 87th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2008.
- Katz, B.J., Molino, J.A., and Rakha, H.A. Evaluation of Design Alternatives of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Vehicle Speeds and Center Line Encroachment in a Driving Simulator. Proceedings of the 87th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2008.
- Molino, J.A., Katz, B.J., Donnell, E.T., Opiela, K.S., and Moyer, M.J. Using a Subjective Rating Scale in a Driving Simulator to Predict Real-World Stimulus-Response Relationships Concerning Nighttime Delineation for Curves. Proceedings of the 87th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2008.
- Katz, B.J., Duke, D.E., and Rakha, H.A. Design and Evaluation of Peripheral Transverse Bars to Reduce Vehicle Speeds. Proceedings of the 85th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2006.
- Molino, J.A., Katz, B.J., Donnell, E.T., Opiela, K.S., and Moyer, M.J. Field Ratings of Nighttime Delineation Enhancements for Curves. Proceedings of the 85th TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2006
- Molino, J.A., Katz, B.J., Duke, D.E., Opiela, K.S., Andersen, C.K., & Moyer, J.M. Field Validation for Relative Effectiveness of Combinations of Pavement Markings and Retroreflective Pavement Markers in Recognizing Curves at Night. Proceedings of the 83rd TRB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 2004.