Scott W. Case
Reynolds Metals Professor and Associate Department Head
Scott W. Case

Areas of Interest
Professor Case's research interests are in the experimental characterization and modeling of engineering materials and structures. Recent focus areas include the response of lightweight structural materials to combined fire and mechanical loading as well as accelerated test method development to support long-term durability predictions for adhesives and fiber-reinforced composites.
- B.S., Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1992
- M.S., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1993
- Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, 1996
- 2015 Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- 2015 College of Engineering Dean's Award for Service
- 2009 Professori Visitatori Award, Sapienza Universita di Roma
- 2007 College of Engineering Dean's Award for Excellence in Research
- 2006 ABET IDEAL Scholar
- 2004 Best Best Fire Protection Technical Paper Award, American Composites Manufacturers Association
- 2004 Best Marine Technical Paper Award, American Composites Manufacturers Association
- 2004 College of Engineering Faculty Fellow
- 2001 JSPS Invitation Fellowship
- 2000 Best Paper Award, Polymer Matrix Division, American Society for Composites
- CEE 5490: Structural Mechanics
- CEE 5610: Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials
- R. Sepasdar, S. Niazi, S.W. Case, M. Shakiba, ``A 3-D micromechanical framework to study damage propagation and failure of printed aligned discontinuous fiber-reinforced composites,'' Journal of Composite Materials, 57(7), 2023,
- M. Etemadi, B.A. Davis, S.H. McKnight, C.B. Williams, S.W. Case, M.J. Bortner, ``Rheological investigation of nylon-carbon fiber composites fabricated using material extrusion based additive manufacturing,'' Polymer Composites, 42(11), 2021,
- M.J. Gangi, B.Y. Lattimer, S.W. Case, ``Scale modeling of thermo-structural fire tests of multi-orientation wood laminates,'' Wood Science and Technology, 58, 2024, pp. 1285–1322.
- M.J. Gangi, B.Y. Lattimer, S.W. Case, ``Scale modeling of thermo-structural fire tests,'' Fire and Materials, 47(7), 2023,
- M. Klopfer, D. Knight, J. Grohs, S. Case, ``Course-level Factors and Undergraduate Engineering Students' Ratings of Instruction,'' European Journal of Engineering Education, 49, 2024
- M.D. Bartlett, S.W. Case, A.J. Kinloch, D.A. Dillard ``Peel tests for quantifying adhesion and toughness: A review," Progress in Materials Science, 137, August 2023,
- M. Taherzadehboroujeni, R. Kalhor, G.B. Fahs, R.B. Moore, S.W. Case, "Accelerated Testing Method to Estimate the Lifetime of Semi-Crystalline Plastic Pipes," Polymer Engineering and Science,
- R.J. Mills, B.Y. Lattimer, S.W. Case, A.P. Mouritz, "The Influence of Sensitization and Corrosion on Creep of 5083-H116," Corrosion Science, 143, 2018, pp. 1-9.
- D. Reeping, D. Knight, J. Grohs, S.W. Case, "The Visualization and Analysis of Course-Taking Patterns in Foundational Engineering Science and Mechanics Courses," International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(1), 2019, pp. 142-155.
- M. Shaat, B. Aidi, S. W. Case, A. Abdelkefi, "Predictions of the frequencies of bending-torsion coupled laminated composite plates with discontinuities: novel analytical modeling and experimental validation," Composite Structures, 180, 2017, pp. 334-350.
- J. Hodges, C. Rippe, S.W. Case, B.Y. Lattimer, "Predicting the structural response of a compartment fire using full-field heat transfer measurements," Fire Safety Journal, 91, 2017, pp. 471-479.
- C. Rippe, S. Case, B. Lattimer, "Modeling post-fire behavior of aluminum structural components using a maximum temperature approach," Fire Safety Journal, 91, 2017, pp. 561-567.
- B. Aidi, M. Shaat, A. Abdelkefi, S.W. Case, "Free vibration analysis of cantilever open-hole composite plates," Meccanica, 52(11-12), 2017, pp. 2819-2836.
- T. Tan, N.M. Cholewa, S.W. Case, R. De Vita, "Micro-structural and biaxial creep properties of the swine uterosacral-cardinal ligament complex," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 44(11), 2016, pp. 3225-3237.
- T.B. Hartman, M.W. Hyer, S.W. Case, "Stress Recovery in Composite Laminates Including Geometrically Nonlinear and Dynamic Effects," AIAA Journal, 2016, pp. 2521-2529.
- R. Kalhor, H. Akbarshahi, S.W. Case, "Numerical Modeling of the Effects of FRP Thickness and Stacking Sequence on Energy Absorption of Metal-FRP Square Tubes," Composite Structures, 146, 2016, pp. 231-246.
- N. Cholewa, P.T. Summers, S. Feih, B.Y. Lattimer, S.W. Case, "A Technique for Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Response Measurement using 3-D Infrared Thermography Digital Image Correlation (TDIC)," Experimental Mechanics, 56(2), 2016, pp. 145-164.
- A. Anjang, V.S. Chevali, B.Y. Lattimer, S.W. Case, S. Feih, A.P. Mouritz, "Post-Fire Mechanical Properties of Burnt Sandwich Composite Structures," Composite Structures, 132, 2015, pp. 1019-1028.
- Y. Chen, P. Summers, B.Y. Lattimer, S.W. Case, "Stress-induced Damage and Post-Fire Response of Aluminum 5083," Materials Science & Engineering A, 641, 2015, pp. 369-379.