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William E. Cox

Professor Emeritus

Areas of Interest

Water resources management with emphasis on institutional arrangements for alleviating water among competing interests and protecting environmental quality

  • B.S.Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1966
  • M.S. Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1968
  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1976
  • "Watershed Management in Virginia: Status, Effectiveness, Future Prospects," Virginia Water Resources Research Center.
  • "Review of Engineering Design Standards and Practices in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers," Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • "Improving Management of Intrastate and Interstate Water Transfer in the Eastern United States," U.S. Geological Survey.
  • "Demonstration of Stormwater Management Strategies for Nonpoint Pollution Control in Urbanizing Watersheds," Virginia Department of Conservation and Historic Resources.
  • Cox, W.E., "Maintenance of Water Rights over Time Under the Model State Water Code," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, vol. 120, pp. 418-422, 1995.
  • Shabman, L.A. and Cox, W.E., "Conflict Over Eastern Water Transfers: Toward a New Era of Negotiation," in E. Loehman and A. Dinar, eds., Water Quality/Quantity Disputes and Their Resolution, Praeger, Wertport, CN, pp. 189-201, 1995.
  • Cox, W.E., "Reallocation Impacts of Eastern Water-Law Changes," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, vol. 120, pp. 476-484, 1994.
  • Cox, W.E., "From Riparianism to Water-Use Permitting: Issues Confronting State Government," Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference--Water Management in the \'90s: A Time for Innovation, ed. Katherine Horn, ASCE, pp. 348-351, May 1-5, 1993.
  • Cox, W.E., "Status of Minimum Flow Maintenance in Water Resources Management," Proceedings of the Fourth Water Resources Operations Management Workshop, ASCE, 1992.