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Andrea M. Dietrich


Andrea M. Dietrich

Andrea M. Dietrich, Professor

413 Durham Hall,
Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061
Mail Code: (0246)

Program Area : Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

Areas of Interest

Drinking water quality, treatment, and infrastructure; chemosensory analysis of environmental contaminants and tastes-and-odors in drinking water; fate and transport of organic and inorganic chemicals; environmental analytical chemistry.

  • B.S. Chemistry and Biology, Boston College
  • M.S. Environmental Science and Engineering, Drexel University
  • Ph.D. Environmental Science and Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Faculty member active in teaching, research and outreach at Virginia Tech
  • Consultant to industry for drinking water quality and treatment including identifying tastes, odors, particles/color in drinking water
  • Active professionally in leadership and sympoia organization for International Water Association (IWA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Virginia Tech College of Engineering Dean's Excellence in Research Award, 2009
  • American Water Works Association 2008 Golden Spigot Award for Service
  • Science, Technology and Policy Fellow at the American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Teaching Excellence Award, from Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association
  • Virginia Tech College of Engineering Dean's Excellence in Research Award
  • Visiting Scientist Award with NASA
  • Environmental Science and Engineering EPA Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.
  • CEE 2804: Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 3104: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • CEE 5104: Environmental Chemistry
  • CEE 5184: Techniques for Environmental Analysis
  • "Towards Sustainable Materials Use For Drinking Water Infrastructure"; Sponsored by the National Sceince Foundation
  • "International and Educational Research in Honduras", Sponsored by the National Science Foundation
  • "Impacts Of Lining Materials On Water Quality", Joint project of sponsored by Awwa Research Foundation, United States protection Agency, and United Kingdom Drinking Water Institute
  • "Pilot Study on the Integration of Customer Complaint Data with On-Line Water Quality Data as an Early Warning System", Sponsored by the American Water Works Association
  • "Evaluating Critical Relationships between New and Aged Polyethylene Water Pipe and Drinking Water Contaminants Using Advanced Material Characterization Techniques"; Sponsored by the American Water Works Association Research Foundation
  • "Engineering Sustainable Polyethylene Potable Water Infrastructure", Sponsored by the National Science Foundation
  • Yao, W., Dal Porto, R., Gallagher, D.L., Dietrich, A.M. Human exposure to particles at the air-water interface: influence of water quality on indoor air quality from use of ultrasonic humidifiers. Environment International, 143, 105902;
  • Wang, W., Yu, J., Gallagher, D.L., Byrd, J., Yao, W.*, Wang, Q.,Guo, Q. Yu, J, Dietrich, A.M., Yang , M. Pyrazines: a diverse class of earthy-musty odorants impacting drinking water quality and consumer satisfaction. Water Research, 182, (1) 115971,
  • Yang, Y., Yu, Q.,Zhou, R., Feng, J., Zhang, K., Li, X., Ma, X., Dietrich, A.M. Occurrence of free amino acids in the source waters of Zhejiang Province, China, and their removal and transformation in drinking water systems. DOI: 10.3390/w12010073, Water 12(1):73, 2019.
  • Dietrich, A.M., Burlingame, G.A. A Review: the challenge, consensus, and confusion of describing odors and tastes in drinking water. Science of the Total Environment, 715: 135061, 2020. ttps://
  • Yao, W., Marr, L., Gallagher, D. Dietrich, A.M. Emission of potential inhalable insoluble mineral particles from ultrasonic humidifiers. Water Research, 64 (14899):1-9, 2019.
  • Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Lesser, G.L., Ray, W.K., Dietrich, A.M. Effect of lactoferrin on taste and odor dysfunction induced by chemotherapy. RSC Food & Function, DOI: 10.1039/c8fo00813b,19;9(9):4948-4958. 2018.
  • Devesa, R.L, Dietrich, A.M. Guidance for optimizing drinking water taste by adjusting mineralization as measured by total dissolved solids (TDS). Desalination, 49, 147-154, 2018.
  • Sain, A.E., Zook, J., Davy, B.M, Marr, L., Dietrich, A.M. Size and mineral composition of airborne particles generated by an ultrasonic humidifier. Indoor Air, doi: 10.1111/ina.12414, 28(1):80-88, 2018.
  • Gallagher, D.L, Phetxumphou, K., Dietrich, A.M. Comparing inhalation and ingestion exposure to chemical contaminants and odorants in mixtures. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, DOI: 10.2166/ws.2017.234, 18(5):1739-1746, 2018.
  • Phetxumphou, K., Raghuraman, A., Dietrich, A.M. Implementing the drinking water taste-and-odor wheel to improve consumer lexicon. J. American Water Works Association, 109(11) E453 – E463,, 2017.
  • Burlingame, G.A., Doty, R.L., Dietrich, A.M. Humans as sensors to evaluate drinking water taste and odor: A Review. J. American Water Works Association, 109(11) 13-24 and E452, 2017.
  • Phetxumphou, K., Dietrich, A.M., Shanaiah N., Smiley, E., Gallagher, D.L. Subtleties of human exposure and response to chemical mixtures from spills. Environmental Pollution., 214, 618–626. 2016.
  • Ma, X*, Deng, J., Feng, J., Shanaiah, N., Smiley, E., Dietrich, A.M. Identification and characterization of phenylacetonitrile as a nitrogenous disinfection byproduct derived from chlorination of phenylalanine in drinking water. Water Research. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.06.029, 102, 202-210, 2016.
  • Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Dietrich, A.M. Effect of iron on taste perception and emotional response of sweetened beverage under different water conditions. Food Quality and Preference. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.06.016, 54, 58–66, 2016.
  • Weidhaas, J.; Dietrich, A.M.; DeYonker, N.; Dupont, R. R.; Foreman, W.; Gallagher, D.; Gallagher, J.; Whelton, A.; Alexander, W. Enabling science support for better decision-making when responding to chemical spills. Journal of Environmental Quality; 45(5):1490-1500, 2016.
  • Tang, J., D.L. Gallagher, A.M. Dietrich. Predicting permeation of organic contaminants into polyethylenes; ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139(2):205-212; 2013.
  • Mitroka, S., Smiley, T.D., Tanko, J.M., Dietrich, A.M. Reaction mechanism for the oxidation and degradation of high density polyethylene in chlorinated water. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98:1369-1377; 2013
  • Dietrich, A.M., C.D. Gallagher. Consumer ability to detect the taste of total dissolved solids. Journal of the American Water Works Association, http:dx.doi/10.5942/jawwa.2013.105.0049 and 105(5):E255-263; 2013
  • Hedrick, V.E., D.L. Comber, K. E. Ferguson, P. A. Estabrooks, J. Savla, A. M. Dietrich, E. Serrano, B. M. Davy. A Rapid beverage intake questionnaire can detect changes in beverage intake, Eating Behaviors, 14: 90-94, 2013.
  • Benson, A.S., A.M. Dietrich, D.L. Gallagher. Evaluation of iron corrosion release models for water distribution systems. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 42 (1) 2012.
  • Mirlohi, S., A.M. Dietrich, S.E. Duncan. Age-associated variation in sensory perception of iron in drinking water and the potential for overexposure in the human population. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(15):6575-83, 2011.
  • Vereb, H., A.M. Dietrich, B. Alfeeli, M. Agah. The possibilities will take your breath away: breath analysis for assessing environmental exposure. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(19):8167-8175, 2011.
  • Jo, C-H., A.M. Dietrich, J.M. Tanko. Simultaneous degradation of disinfection byproducts and earthy-musty odorants by the UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process. Water Research, 45: 2507-2516, 2011.
  • Hong, J-H; S.E. Duncan, A.M. Dietrich; Effect of copper speciation at different pH on temporal sensory attributes of copper. Food Quality and Preference, 21(1)132-139, 2010.
  • Dietrich, A.M. The sense of smell: contributions of orthonasal and retronasal perception applied to metallic flavor of drinking water. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, 58(8):562-570, 2009.
  • Omur-Ozbek, P. and A.M. Dietrich. Developing hexanal as an odor reference standard for sensory analysis of drinking water. Water Research, 42:2598-2604, 2008.
  • Durand, M.L. and A.M. Dietrich. Contributions of silane cross-linked PEX pipe to chemical/solvent odors in drinking water, Water Science and Technology, 55(5):153-160, 2007.
  • Heim, T. and A.M. Dietrich. Sensory aspects and water quality impacts of chlorinated and chloraminated drinking water in contact with HDPE and cPVC pipe, Water Research, 41:757-764, 2007.
  • Cuppett, J.D., S.E. Duncan, A.M. Dietrich. Evaluation of copper speciation and water quality factors that affect aqueous copper tasting sensitivity. Chemical Senses, 31(7):689-697, 2006.
  • Glindemann, D., A.M. Dietrich, H.-J. Staerk, and P. Kuschk. The two smells of touched or pickled iron (skin) carbonyl-hydrocarbons and organophosphines. Angewandte Chemie Intl. Edition (European Journal "Applied Chemistry"), 45:7006-7009, 2006.
  • Cerrato, J.M., L.P. Reyes, C.N. Alvarado, A. M. Dietrich. Effect of PVC and iron materials on Mn (II) deposition in drinking water distribution systems. Water Research, 40(14):2720-2726, 2006.
  • Dietrich, A.M. Aesthetic issues for drinking water. Journal of Water and Health, 4 (supplement 1):11-16, 2006.