W. Samuel Easterling
Montague-Betts Professor of Structural Steel Design Professor Emeritus
W. Samuel Easterling

Areas of Interest
Steel-concrete composite structures, steel structures, cold-formed steel structures, partially-restrained connections, experimental research
- B.S. Civil Engineering - West Virginia University 1981
- M.S. Civil Engineering - West Virginia University 1983
- Ph.D. Structural Engineering - Iowa State University 1987
- Executive Development Institute - Virginia Tech 2011-2012
- John Gundel Award, 1987, presented by the Steel Deck Institute for outstanding achievement in the research and testing of light-gauge steel designed systems.
- American Society of Civil Engineers Award for Outstanding Service - Faculty Advisor 1988
- Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 1995
- American Society of Civil Engineers State-of-the-Art Award in Civil Engineering Award, 1996, with the ASCE Task Committee on Design Criteria for Composite Structures in Steel and Concrete
- Iowa State University Outstanding Young Alumnus Award, 1998
- American Society of Civil Engineers Walter L. Huber Prize, 1998
- American Society of Civil Engineers State-of-the-Art Award in Civil Engineering Award, 2000, with the ASCE Task Committee on Design Criteria for Composite Structures in Steel and Concrete
- Who\'s Who in the South and Southwest, 2001
- Who\'s Who in America, 2002
- American Institute of Steel Construction T. R. Higgins Award, 2002
- Iowa State University College of Engineering Professional Progress in Engineering Award, 2003
- Dean\'s Award for Excellence in Service, VT College of Engineering, 2004
- ASCE Fellow, 2006
- West Virginia Academy of Civil Engineers, 2007
- American Institute of Steel Construction Special Achievement Award, 2012
- Virginia Tech Academy of Faculty Service, 2014
- American Society of Civil Engineers Shortridge Hardesty Award, 2017
- Transforming Building Structural Resilience through Innovation in Steel Diaphragms, National Science Foundation
- Steel Diaphragm Innovation Initiative, AISC, AISI, SDI, SJI, MBMA
- Analysis of Composite Girders - Nucor Research and Development, American Institute of Steel Construction
- Weak Position Shear Stud Study for Composite Joists, Steel Joist Insitute
- Strength of Headed Shear Studs Placed in Steel Deck - Nucor Research and Development, American Institute of Steel Construction, Steel Deck Institute, Tru-Fit Corporation
- Composite Joist Girders, Nucor Research and Development
- Avci, O., Mattingly, J., Luttrell, L.D. and Easterling, W.S. (2016) "Diaphragm Shear Strength and Stiffness of Aluminum Roof Panel Assemblies." Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 106, 51-60.
- Abdullah, R., Kueh, A.B.H., Ibrahim, I.S. and Easterling, W.S. (2015) "Characterization of Shear Bond Stress for Design of Composite Slabs Using an Improved Partial Shear Connection Method." Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 21:6, 720-732.
- Sabelli, Rafael, Sabol, Thomas A., and Easterling, W. Samuel (2011). "Seismic design of composite steel deck and concrete-filled diaphragms: A guide for practicing engineers," NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 5, produced by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a partnership of the Applied Technology Council and the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST GCR 11-917-10.
- Abdullah, R. and Easterling, W.S. (2011) "New Evaluation and Application of Horizontal Shear Bond for Conducting Numerical Analysis of Composite Slabs," Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VI, Proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference, ASCE, New York, 138-150
- Mujagic, J.R.U., Easterling, W.S. and Murray, T.M. (2010) "Design and Behavior of Light Composite Trusses with Standoff Screw Shear Connectors." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 66(12), 1483-1491
- Mujagic, J.R.U. and Easterling, W.S. (2009) "Reliability Assessment of Composite Beams." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 65 (12), 2111-2128
- Abdullah, R. and Easterling, W.S. (2009). "New Evaluation and Modeling Procedure for Horizontal Shear Bond in Composite Slabs." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 65(4), 891-899.
- Leon, R. T. and Easterling, W. S., ed. (2002) Connections in Steel Structures IV: Behavior, Strength and Design, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago http://www.aisc.org/Content/ContentGroups/Documents/Connections_IV_Proceedings/ Connections_IV_Proceedings.html
- Roddenberry, M. R., Lyons, J. C., Easterling, W. S. and Murray, T. M. (2002) “Performance and Strength of Welded Shear Studs” Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete IV, Proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference, ASCE, New York, 458-469.
- Easterling, W. S., Samuelson, D. R., and Murray, T.M. (2002) “Behavior and Design of Longspan Composite Joists” Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete IV, Proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference, ASCE, New York, 274-285
- Rex, C. O. and Easterling, W. S. (2002) “Partially Restrained Composite Beam-Girder Connections.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 58(4-8), 1033-1060.
- Rex, C. O. and Easterling, W. S. (2000). “Behavior and Modeling of a Reinforced Concrete Composite Slab in Tension.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 126(7), 764-771
- Widjaja, B. R. and Easterling, W. S. (2000). “Long Span Composite Slabs.” Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, 37(2), 73-80