Daniel L. Gallagher
Daniel L. Gallagher

409 Durham Hall,
Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061
Mail Code: (0246)
Program Area : Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Professional Registration : North Carolina (PE)
Areas of Interest
Environmental statistics and data analysis, risk assessment, food safety, contaminant fate and transport, environmental modeling and simulation
- B.S. Civil Engineering, Drexel University, 1979
- M.S. Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, 1981
- Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986
- G.V. Loganathan Teaching Award
- National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator
- CEE 3104: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- CEE 3804: Computer Applications in CEE
- CEE 5714: Surface Water Quality Modeling
- CEE 5724: Environmental Monitoring and Sampling
- Development of a risk assessment for Shiga toxin producing E. coli in beef: U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Evaluating Bacterial Cross Contamination Potential in Retail Deli Environments: U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Identification, Evaluation, and Mitigation of Health Risks from Elevated Lead in School Drinking Water: National Science Foundation
- A Comparative Risk Assessment For Listeria Monocytogenes In Ready To Eat Meat And Poultry Products: Sliced And Packaged In-Plant Versus Sliced And Packaged At Retail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Integration of Customer Complaint Data with On-Line Water Quality Data as an Early Warning System: American Water Works Association
- Sain AE, Dietrich AM, Smiley E, Gallagher DL. Assessing Human Exposure and Odor Detection During Showering with Crude 4-(Methylcyclohexyl)methanol (MCHM) Contaminated Drinking Water. 2015. Sci. Total Environ. 538:298-305.
- Leitch KA, Duncan SE, O'Keefe SF, Rudd R, Gallagher DL. 2015. Characterizing consumer emotional response to sweeteners using an emotion terminology questionnaire and facial expression analysis. Food Research International. 76:283-292.
- Walsh AM, Duncan SE, Potts H, Gallagher DL. 2015: Comparing quality and emotional responses as related to acceptability of light-induced oxidation flavor in milk. Food Research International. 76:293-300.
- Pieper KJ, Krometis LA, Gallagher DL, Benham BL, Edwards M. 2015. Incidence of waterborne lead in private drinking water systems in Virginia. J. Water Health. 13(3):897-908.
- Dietrich AM, Thomas A, Zhao Y, Smiley E, Shanaiah N, Ahart M, Charbonnet KA, DeYonker NJ, Alexander WA, Gallagher DL. 2015. Partitioning, Aqueous Solubility, and Dipole Moment Data for cis- and trans-(4-methylcyclohexyl)methanol, Principle Contaminants of the West Virginia Chemical Spill. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2(4):123-127.
- Gallagher DL, Phetxumphou K, Smiley E, Dietrich AM. 2015. A Tale of Two Isomers: Complexities of Human Odor Perception for cis- and trans-4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol from the Chemical Spill in West Virginia. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(3):1319–1327.
- Pouillot R, Gallagher D, Tang J, Hoelzer K, Kause J, Dennis S. 2015. Listeria monocytogenes in Retail Delicatessens: an Interagency Risk Assessment - Model and Baseline Results. J. Food Protection. 78(1):134–145.
- Hoelzer K, Pouillot R, Dennis S, Gallagher D, Kause J. 2014. Update on Listeria monocytogenes: reducing cross-contamination in food retail operations. In Advances in microbial food safety: Vol. 2. Sofos J (Ed). Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
- Dietrich AM, Phetxumphou K, Gallagher DL. 2014. Systematic Tracking, Visualizing, and Interpreting of Consumer Feedback for Drinking Water Quality. Water Research. 66:63-74.
- Gallagher DL, Dietrich AM. 2014. Statistical Approaches for Analyzing Customer Complaint Data to Assess Aesthetic Episodes in Drinking Water. J. Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA. 63(5):358-367.
- Triantafyllidou S, Gallagher D, Edwards M. 2014. Assessing Risk with Increasingly Stringent Public Health Goals: the Case of Water Lead and Blood Lead in Children. J. Water Health. 12(1):57-68.
- Triantafyllidou S, Le T, Gallagher D, Edwards M. 2014. Reduced risk estimations after remediation of lead (Pb) in drinking water at two US school districts. Sci. Total Environ. 466-467: 1011-1021.
- Gallagher D, Ebel ED, Gallagher O, LaBarre D, Williams MS, Golden NJ, Pouillot R, Dearfield K, Kause J. 2013. Characterizing Uncertainty When Evaluating Risk Management Metrics: Risk Assessment Modeling of Listeria monocytogenes Contamination in Ready-To-Eat Deli Meats. Int. J. Food Micro. 162:266-275.
- Gallagher DL, Lago K, Hagedorn C, Dietrich AM. 2013. Effects of Strain Type and Water Quality on Soil-Associated Escherichia coli. Int. J. Environmental Science and Development. 4(1):25-31.
- Dietrich AM, Postlethwait N, Gallagher D. 2013. Quantifying Bioavailability and Toxicity of Copper to Americamysis bahia - Mysid Shrimp. Int. J. of Environmental Science and Development. 4(1):37-43.
- Maitland J, Boyer R, Gallagher D, Duncan S, Bauer N, Kause J, Eifert J. 2013. Tracking Cross Contamination Transfer Dynamics at a Mock Retail Deli Market using GloGermTM. J. Food Protection. 76(2):272-282.
- Tang J, Gallagher DL, Dietrich AM. 2013. Predicting Permeation of Organic Contaminants into Polyethylenes. ASCE J. Environmental Engineering. 139(2): 205-212.
- Mobile MA, Widdowson MA, Gallagher DL. 2012. Multicomponent NAPL Source Dissolution: Evaluation of Mass-Transfer Coefficients. Environmental Science & Technology. 46:10047-10054.
- Hoelzer K, Pouillot R, Gallagher D, Silverman MB, Kause J, Dennis S. 2012. Estimation of Listeria monocytogenes transfer coefficients and efficacy of bacterial removal through cleaning and sanitation. Int. J. Food Micro. 157(2): 267-277.
- Benson AS, Dietrich AM, Gallagher DL. 2012. Evaluation of Iron Release Models for Water Distribution Systems. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 42(1): 44-97.