Adam Phillips
Associate Professor
Adam Phillips

Patton Hall
Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061
Mail Code: (0105)
Program Area : Structural Engineering and Materials
Professional Registration : Professional Engineer in Washington. P.E. (WA)
Areas of Interest
Sustainable design; behavior of steel, mass timber, and hybrid steel-timber buildings; experimental testing of structural sub-assemblies; performance-based design; earthquake engineering; life-cycle assessment
- B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2012
- M.S., Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2013
- Ph.D, Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2016
- CEE 3434: Design of Steel Structures I
- CEE 5430: Intermediate Design of Steel Buildings
- CEE 5744: Topics in Structural Steel Design
- “The Circular Home: Development and Demonstration of a Net-Negative Carbon, Reusable Residence,” Department of Energy, ARPA-E, HESTIA Program.
- “Parametric Design of Hybrid Steel-Timber Prototype Buildings for Low-Embodied Carbon,” American Institute of Steel Construction.
- “Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Steel and Mass Timber Construction using Two Prototype Buildings in Seattle, WA,” American Institute of Steel Construction.
- Ahmad, F.*, Allan, K.*, and Phillips, A. R. (2023). “Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Steel and Mass Timber Prototype Buildings in the Pacific Northwest,” ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29(1).
- Ahmad, F.* and Phillips, A. R. (2022). “Buckling Restrained Braced Frame Seismic Response for Far-Field, Near-Field, and Long-Duration Earthquakes,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 199: 107625.
- Lambie, C.*, Phillips, A. R., and Motter, C. (2022). “Cyclic Testing of Replaceable Steel Coupling Beams with Reduced Beam Sections and Moment End-Plate Connections,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(10): 04022164.
- Allan, K.* and Phillips, A. R. (2021). “Comparative Cradle-to-Grave Life Cycle Assessment of Low and Mid-Rise Mass Timber Buildings with Equivalent Structural Steel Alternatives,” Sustainability, 13, 3401.
- Wilson, A.*, Phillips, A. R., Motter, C., Lee, J.Y., and Dolan, J. D. (2020). “Seismic Loss Analysis of Buildings with Post-Tensioned Cross-Laminated Timber Walls,” Earthquake Spectra. 37(1).
- Wilson, A.*, Motter, C., Phillips, A. R., and Dolan, J. D. (2020). “Seismic response of post-tensioned cross-laminated timber rocking wall buildings,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(7).
- Phillips, A. R. and Lambie, C.* (2019). “Assessing Civil Engineering Students Perceptions of Their Problem Solving Ability,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(5), 1551-1560.